120W Led retrofit kits replacement 250W HPS Flood Light

Nowadays, LED lighting is widely used. In the face of LED lamps, the traditional lamps in the past are inferior. Whether it is from safety, energy saving or environmental protection, LEDs are all victorious. When they are dissatisfied with the lamps used now, Many people choose to replace them with LED luminaires.

Below is a feedback picture of our customers from Zimbabwe.

The customer bought a 120W LED retrofit kits, and the customer's idea was to replace the 250W HPS with a 120W LED Retrofit kits in the floodlight enclosure.

led retrofit kits 120W case

This is the picture after installation.

led retrofit kits 120W case

After this, the customer actively feedbackd the use effect and gave a very high rating.

120w led retrofit kits Feedback

Thank you very much for support, and we will do better and look forward to working together again.

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